Taking Half Of 15mg Meloxicam
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I started taking meloxicam 15mg and asked my pharmacist if I can cut it in half because the full 15mg was giving me a side effect of shortness of breath. I been taking half of it for a week now and have no side effects but my back is still in pain. Should I try taking the full 15mg or cut a half of a half in half and take a third of the pill for a week and then start taking the full dose
2 Replies
Could taking meloxicam foe 4 months could it play a part in my hair thinning band. Breaking
Hi anna,
With all due respect, these are very personal dosing questions you're asking that are probably best discussed between you and your doctor. However from what I understand, due to safety reasons, it is usually a good idea to start off small and then work your way up to higher doses from there.
Some people can make that decision incrementally based off how they feel, but I find that even the smaller doses tend to effect each person differently. You and your doctor's combined judgement should be sufficient enough to weigh out the pros/cons of switching between various dosages and for what length of time you should be on each dose before moving up the ladder...
How long have you been taking the Meloxicam for?
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