Taking Diazapam For 50 Years
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I have been taking diazapam at 5/10 mg. /day for 50 years due to AS in my spine. Should I be taken off these tabs, as there appears to be a 6 week max. time for usage!!!
Thank you.

2 Replies

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Thank you for your reply, I thought that may the case.
Kind Regards,

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Hello, Roger! How are you?

50 years? That is a very long time and I have to honestly say that you're going to need to consult your doctor about this. These medications create a risk of seizures if stopped abruptly and not properly tapered. Thus, your doctor would be the best person to advise you if you need to stop taking it and, if so, the safe way to do so.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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