Tab Livogen (Top voted first)


i am ammu from Bangalore
i had my c section last month November 4 and unfortunately my baby angel was dead after 3hours after she born i am missing her too much i even didn't see her face
my doctor had told me to have livogen-z each a day after my dinner how does it helps me and can anyone pls suggest me when i can get pregnant without any problem but soon i want my baby pls tel me

10 Replies

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Hello, Ammu! I am so very sorry for your loss.

The Livogen-Z is a nutritional supplement, it contains iron and folic acid, both of which are vital to your overall health and to your being able to have a healthy pregnancy.

As to when you can get pregnant again, what has your doctor advised?

It's very difficult for anyone else to say, since we don't know what caused this to happen.

Were there any complications or problems during your pregnancy?

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hello verwon thanks for your reply
my pregnancy or delivery both didn't have any complication had a small problem which i was not knowing.
my delivery date was on November 9th but on November 2nd i was not having my baby movements so i went to hospital on 3rd they checked and said will wait because your due date is still Dr and you didn't get pain and may be normal delivery happens so we just had a doubt so went to do scan on November 4th morning their they said baby heart beat is normal and she is moving also but your water level has come down very much so pls go soon and tel doctor and operate and remove the baby or else it will became problem so went and told doctor they did the test and arrange for the operation at 3 baby born at 3.30 and dead at 6.30 reason they are telling is because of less water in tummy ly baby had made stool and eaten it so its difficult to cure her so when she born ly she didn't cry and she was very there and not able to breath they gave treatment but it didn't work out she left me and went nobody told me this for 2days and even i didn't she my angel face i am very worried.
doctor told i can get pregnant after 1year but i can't wait till that so thinking to get pregnant after 6months.

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hello jass
sorry to hear that when it happened to you and when you got pregnant after that can you tel me pls because i want to get my baby asap i don't want to wait till one year so pls can you tel me

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My baby girl born on 23 sep 2013. She had heart problem and surgery in Apollo delhi but operation not succeed ..she breath on ventilator. I could not see ma baby properly .. I could not love her. She spend with me only few hours..I want get my baby soon but I had also c section. My doctor and family said I wait for atleast one year to get pregnant again.. So don't loose heart believe in god . He will everything fine. I pray for u .. Our mental condition same ammu. Some things are not in our hands. {edited for privacy}

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jass thanks for your reply. you to lost your baby in 2013 ly me to in November 4th 2013 2 months back. you saw your baby atleast some hours but friend i didn't see my baby face at all i didn't feel her touch i didn't listen to her voice i don't have anything from her.we both are in same situation ok friend i will pray for dis year September sure you get pregnant dear.

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hello ammu. how r u.

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hello jass, i am ok now how your feeling are you trying to get conceive now or your waiting till full one year. mine 6 months going to get completed so i am just started to try for the baby. {edited for privacy} contact me if you wanna talk to me friend

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hi ammu. wish u luck. i want contact u. u can add me on {edited for privacy}. i feel like any connection with u

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Hii ammu.. How r u

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Same thing happen to me ammu.. I m too depressed.. I understand ur grief

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