T 189 Oxycodone Pill (Top voted first)


Has anyone gotten severe abdominal pain from taking these pills? I've been on oxycodone for years and never had pain from taking it. My pharmacy switched brands and now everytime I've taken it I've had severe pain in my right, mid to upper quadrant. I've tried eating. I've tried more water. I'm at a loss considering I have 27more days to go till a new script and I'd have to find a new pharmacy.

4 Replies

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Hi Devin,

Sorry to hear about your situation. "Stomach pain" is actually listed as a side effect of Oxycodone at: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0011542

NIH.gov goes on to note that you should contact your doctor right away if you experience such symptoms.

My theory is that it probably has something to do with the different set of binders/fillers in this particular tablet's composition, compared to the pill you were taking before. Perhaps the prescribing doctor can specify that previous version on the next refill so there's no more experimenting with new brands or generics.

I hope you get around to feeling better soon!

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Can someone please tell me how you can tell if the yellow T189 30 mg Oxycodone pill is fake? I was given this when I fell and hurt my back.

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Re: Shane (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

It is listed as Oxycodone 30mg by Camber, there have been nothing but horror stories with these Camber medications.

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I need to talk to you about this

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