Symdex-d Dosage And Side Effect?


adult dosage and indication and how long to be taken? any side effect?

4 Replies

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The only thing I can find listed for this says that it contains Paracetamol/Acetaminophen, which is used to treat pain, fever and swelling.

All medications carry the risk of side effects, even over the counter products.

The ones for this may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation.

The dosage should not exceed 1,000mgs every 6 to 8 hours and no more than 4,000mgs in 24 hours.

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I take symdex-d 325mg/25mg/2mg tablets now cause i have had a cold for 2 days. Is it good for me? I have a history of hypertension since 2009, and i've taken a maintenance drug for hypertension until now. Is it recommended for me to continue this kind of drug? My colds always appear if the weather is cold. Maybe i have sinusitis cause my head is painful sometimes. Please advise if i should continue to take symdex-d? Thanks.

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what is the side effect in my body of symdex d, because i drink 1 medof 325g then i drink a 3 -in-1 coffee after?

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ilang beses ba dapat uminum ng symdx kada araw at gamut ba ito sa aning sakit

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