Swimmers Ear (Top voted first)


on vacation i caught a cold. week later felt good and went swimming in outdoor pool. could not get the water out of my ears. Hear that i should not have used a Q-tip.ENT cleaned out ears and put me on one week of prednisone 20mg 1x a day and Amox tr-k clv 875-125mg tabs twice daily and triamcinolone 55mcg nasal spray twice a day. My problem is that my ears are still clogged almost like wearing ear muffs. There was never any pain. How long before my ears are unblocked and should i continue to clean out earwax at home. This started in
the pool on Jan 5th and doctor on Jan 9th. Follow up is on Jan. 17th. Also, any questions i need to ask my doctor? I have no other medical conditions and just had a
complete physical in December. Thanks for your help.

2 Replies

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Hello, Sony! How are you? Did your ears get better?

Swimmer's ear is an infection that is more towards the outer area of the ear canal, rather than deeper inside….but usually this is painful, it causes an earache of the outer ear area, not just the clogged thing of seeming to have water in your ears, that's actually not common with it and occurs more often with an inner ear infection.

And no, you shouldn't be playing with cleaning them out at home, since wax has nothing to do with such conditions.

The clogged feeling and the way it affects your hearing is due to inflammation from the relevant infection, not due to water in your ears or ear wax and repeated cleaning could just be making it worse. Your tiny ear canals are actually very sensitive, which is why you shouldn't use cotton swabs in them.

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Verwon....yes you are so right it is an inner ear infection. I have 3 days left
of meds. My ears pop and open like in an airplane. Then, close again. It seems
to be very very slowly getting better. I've always had inpecable hearing so its a bit
frustrating not to be able to hear the phone unless its next to me. But, as long as there
is hope in that its getting better. Any questions to ask doc on follow-up tomorrow?
Anything i need to be doing? Will i need new meds?

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