Swab Test For Oxycodone
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I Am Prescribed 30mg 3x A Day But Only Take 1 Or 2 The Last Three Days Before My Appointment If Doctor Is Checking Levels By Mouth Swab Will He Be Able to tell that I am not taking as prescribed

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I have a vitamin b12 deficiency and I was told this could show a low level of my oxycodone prescribed by my dr. (WHEN GIVEN A MOUTH SWAB DRUG TEST) BECAUSE MY B12 DEFICIENCY CAUSES ME NOT TO ABSORB MY MEDICINE INTO MY BODY AS WELL AS SOMEONE WHO ISN'T DEFICIENT... COULD THIS BE TRUE?

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Yes, the levels will likely be too low, which in most cases is treated just like a negative test.

Learn more Oxycodone details here.

Oxycodone is usually detectable for approximately 4 days after last dosing.

Why aren't you taking it as prescribed?

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