Suprazole 200 Metronidazole
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5 Replies
hi i had loosemotion for 2 days Dr prescribed suprazole 200&hyoban 10 mg thrice daily .i continued for 3 days &stopped feeling better but i m getting same symtoms back plus my stomach full(gas problem). should i continue with the same tablets once again? please adwise. thanks
Yes, Metronidazole is an antibiotic. It is not recommended to be taking Metronidazole during the first trimester of pregnancy. Also, it is known to affect breast milk, so the patient should not breast feed while taking this medication. I hope this clarifies things. Always remember to consult the prescribing physician if the patient is pregnant or might be pregnant, as they may decide to change medications.
it is antibiotic? if the patient is pregnant? It can affect the pregnancy?
This is a combination anti-infective, used to treat many types of infections.
That said, yes, diarrhea can be a side effect, as well as nausea, drowsiness, and skin rash.
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