Suddenly Failing Lab Tests
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My new pain doc takes a lab test every time I see him. He then sends the test to Kentucky from Oregon. I have never failed a test, now suddenly he claims I am showing for meds that I have never used. I do not take anything for pain unless prescribed. He refuses to use any one of the numerous places locally. I have a strong feeling that he just doesn't want to treat me. It is hard finding docs to help with pain mgmt. My doc retired who took care of me the right way according to hospice. Never had failed a test before. Any suggestions?

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Roy thank you for your help. I should have added the FDA, has warned all doc who perscribe norco, could b in trouble, this was confirmed by a pharmacist friend. I beleive that is why he is telling me I hve failed. In my case, I am being told just use your electric wheel chair, which is so stupid. THANKS Again Roy

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After reading all three of your corresponding messages, I too get the strong sense that your doctor doesn't want to treat you how you wish to be treated. By your description, he seems very stern and unwilling to inform you of any reasons why he decides against your wishes. By simply saying "no" or refusing and not offering any further explanation, this could come off as him being biased or unfairly prejudiced for unsaid reasons... Maybe he has some insecurities that haunt him or previous experiences during his practice where he lost faith/trust in his patients, no matter who they were or what they took. It's probably nothing to take too personally, but if it were me, I'd be keeping a prospective eye out for a new doctor who at least gives off a better demeanor in how they respond to their patients. Usually you can get a good idea of what type of person they are from the initial consultation.

On a side note, I haven't personally heard of any of those meds you're taking coming up positive for marijuana/THC. So I think the positive result must've been an unusual mishap if you truly haven't partaken in it for over a year. Even stringent hair follicle evaluations only go up to 90 days.

Hope this helps!

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Roy, I forgot to say the marijuana he claims I show is impossible. I use to partake in marijuana over a yr ago. I asked the doc, if he would let me use one of at least 30 places locally for a drug panel, he said no. 2 weeks ago I was admitted into the hospital where they did a drug panel and found nothing, but what should be there? I had blood clots in 1 leg and it broke off from the leg and got into the lung.

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Roy, I was taking the fentanyl patch 75mg, norco 10/325. he said I now show 45 of pot nothing else, he took the norco right away and said I was lucky I was still getting the patch. The patch burns my arm and I said take the patch, the norco did a better job, he refused. I do take valium for my seziures 10 mg a day, my neurologist gave me it. My pain doc is a nurse practioner, they had a disagreement over the valium. No other things taken

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Can I ask what are you prescribed versus what the lab results are showing? Also, are you taking any other medication or supplement at this time?

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