Subutex Withdrawal


I am currently 8 months preg. Throughout preg. Dropped from 8mg subutex to 1-2 mg daily and spoke to hospital doc and OB hosp. Doc said I can stop if I feel comfortable since im on such low dose. Clinics say baby can have seizures only true w. Methadone patients and if u drop drastically but do what ur confortable with.. Day 2 no subutex minor fatigue,chills but overall fine mostly mental...trying to avoid a DSS visit in hospital when baby delivered hope sub is out of system within nxt 6 weeks.

2 Replies

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Congratulations on the baby and I hope this continues to go well for you.

If you do start to feel any symptoms, please seek medical attention to protect both you and your baby.

Can you please post back and update me on how you're doing? :-) Thanks!

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Hi...hope you and the baby are opinion is that you ought to reduce the subutex down to the 0.4mg pills...2mg is too high a dose to come off from and you will feel a withdrawal from this... coming off Subutex and looking after a newly born baby is going to be tough so do it the easiest way you can...I don`t mean to be pessimistic but please be realistic and give yourself the least pain possible...reduce by 0.4mg from 2mg as follows...1.6mg (4 x 0.4mg) 1.2mg (3 x 0.4mg) etc etc ...the length of time you take to reduce should be no less than 0.4mg Subutex a week if you can handle it...longer if necessary...good luck.

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