Subutex Pills


Was on methadone fir 3 months and I've been off of it fir 1 month but I've been doing other opiates to get me through the withdrawal. I'm looking into taking subutex and wanted to no if I can take one right away or do I have to wait 24hrs for the opiates to get out of my system.

2 Replies

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Hello, Tiny! How are you?

Subutex only contains Buprenorphine, it does not contain the Naloxone that is in Suboxone to cause withdrawal, so it does not require the waiting period.

This is a narcotic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

What has your doctor advised?

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Have not spoke with a doctor regarding this matter. One more question, if I am on subutex for a couple days, do I have to wait to take suboxone, or can I take it the following day? Thank you for responding,

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