Subutex Only Doctors In Pa
UpdatedI've been trying to find a subutex doctor. I used to take oxys, perk 30's and other opiates but then I started subutex. I now have a good job and want to keep it that way! But now any doctor I've called wants to prescribe suboxone first and it makes me sick. it gives me migraines (which I have chronic migraine syndrome so it must be a trigger) a rash and makes me sick to the stomach. Second I have no insurance and its just way too expensive from all the research I've done. Does anyone know of doctors in central PA that prescribe subutex or how I go about getting subutex and not suboxone??
1 Reply
I go to a dr in Mobile Al who I adore - its a total judgment free zone but majority staff are lazy and don't return calls - the same ones who are good are amazing! Several sat on the phone with me for an hour after damaging myself with severe pw's. They are opening clinics throughout the South - Baton Rouge, LA and another in Tennessee somewhere and they have no problems giving Subutex. I was on methadone for 8 yrs and the last 4 or 5 yrs I was on 300 mg of methadone. My diagnostic results are still positive after 2 months off of the methadone! I really want Suboxone cause the Subutex has me still feeling withdraws just not as bad. I was trying to find out if it was safe to take a Subox strip cause I'm out of my Subutex but nobody seems to know. I'll give you their number if you'd like but I don't know how to do that here - if you do just let me know - you will love this sweet old dr!!!
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