Subutex Doctors In Texas
UpdatedI need help finding a subutex Doc in Texas!! I'm from Florida & moved here couple years ago & desperately want off Suboxine. Been on it almost 5 years & I can't stand it. I have multiple side effects I've felt with for years. I went 30 days cold turkey & couldn't take it anymore & had to go back to Doc to continue the medication. I have so many friends that recovered from Suboxine using Subutex!! It's Definitely not the same, & way easier to get off as far as the detox. My buddy did it in 3 weeks. I've gotten off Methadone & that was hell but couldn't handle the suboxine withdrawal. Years ago my Doc prescribed me with all these trap drugs & are the cause of all this & the years taken away from me. I would of never got on this Crap if I would of know the side effects & or how difficult it would be to get off & get my life back 100%. Texas does it backwards & I've called so many places & nobody even know how to spell it of heard of it so I'm lost & will to fly back to Fl just so I can get my Medication...If anyone can help, please & thanks!!! :-)
3 Replies
Unfortunately, it is going to be very hard to find a new doctor to prescribe you Subutex, rather than Suboxone, unless you have a dangerous documented allergy to the Naloxone in the Suboxone. The new directives from the DEA have asked that it be restricted to use in only pregnant women.
The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions that may help?
Thanks for your reply & I believe you are correct about that. I've realized that after calling every Doctor in Texas to only find 1 that would prescribed it but only if I came to him for pain. It's a Terrible trap for a lot of people & it's sad that it's all controlled with the knowledge of money & failure for most. Now if you have around 7-8,000$ laying around, then your able to be sedated & winged off within days. They have the source to fix millions of people but it costs $ & lots of it. For a doctor it's only a 8 hour coarse on line to distribute suboxine & the sad thing is that 97% of the doctors prescribing it don't have a clue about it. There was a opioid survey/review on it & most doctor stated that there wasn't even anything on detoxing of suboxine/requirements... That's awful because So many doctors have ruined so many lives due to lack of knowledge. Aggravates me because it took my entire 20's from me. I'm glad people are working to fix this, even if it's only a couple.
Avoid Suboxine all together No matter what. It's such a Terrible drug & there's many other ways to get off medication then this way. This only postpones everything after realizing it's worse then the other medication you were prescribed. I'm going to best this & vow to try & save as much people from wrongly being prescribed this medication.
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