Sublingual B-12 And Kurzyme
UpdatedI Haved tried to stop this as it does not work for me and I still keep getting billed I just called and was on the phone for a hour and then was disconnected I want it to all stop even the KurZyme. CAN'T AFFORD THIS STUFF.
2 Replies
I am sorry, I wish we could help you, but this is an information only website, this site does not sell nor ship any medications, either prescription or over the counter.
Have you tried contacting the manufacturer by email or regular mail?
I had the same problem i am still getting money removed from my account by Kurzyme although ive only ever received 2 trial bottles. I reported it to my bank and they are treating it as fraud and have also cancelled my bank card and are issuing another 1 with a different number so as Kurzyme cant access my account anymore
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