Stroke Caused Pain In Foot And Hand
UpdatedI suffered a stroke 3 weeks ago. I'm still experiencing pain in left foot and left hand, but the entire left side body numbness I first had has lessened greatly. Though at times severe, the hand, wrist, foot and ankle pain is not constant....sort of tolerable for periods lasting perhaps a few hours, returning from semi-tolerable discomfort to outright pain that also can last for hours. It's a cycle I've yet to comprehend so I can't really anticipate when the pain's going to hit hard. This is more than the 'pins and needles' feeling I now accept as my new lifes constant reminder.....This simply is hours each day (and night) of hurt. What medications, OTC or prescribed by doctor, can be recommended?
1 Reply
Hi, Matt! So sorry about the stroke and subsequent pain.
There are actually several options you can discuss with your doctor.
A narcotic opiate, such as Oxycodone or Vicodin would be something that you could just take as needed, when the pain hits.
Learn more Oxycodone details here.
Learn more Vicodin details here.
They can be taken on a regular schedule, but sometimes due to their habit forming potential, it's better not to do that, if your pain doesn't always require such strong drugs.
Another alternative would be one of the anticonvulsants that can help with nerve pain, such as Neurontin, these must be taken regularly in order for them to reach their full effectiveness.
Learn more Neurontin details here.
And another one that would need to be taken regularly would be an antidepressant, such as Cymbalta, which can also help with some types of pain.
Learn more Cymbalta details here.
These are just some of the options you can look into, the final decision of course, would be up to you and your doctor.
Does anyone else have any suggestions to make?
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