Strocit Medicine (Top voted first)
i want to know why strocit medicine is given to has benn prescribed to my dad to have strocit 500mg medicine 2 times a day..
2 Replies
i have a poor memory, everytime i memorize some topic for our recitation i cant answer because my mind is blank, what is good medicine for that. hoping for your advice. thank you very much.
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My mother is taking Strocit 500.I want to know whether any other substitute medicine can be given to her against strocit...
tablet contains citicoline sodium equivalent to Citicoline 1000 mg. Colour:yellow oxide of iron ## Information on Stroci...
dr has provided strocit to be taken for my father who is 86 yrs old, he had a stroke in which his left side became lower...
Hard white oval shaped, Use of this drug for TIA or not required ## What are the contents of strocit 500 ## CUAL ES EL C...
for what purpose these medicines are given ## aa ## for what purpose is pantocid l used for? ## My aged mom is suffering...
One patient has been administered this injection for blood cloths in the head and tongue sticking out due to stroke suff...
what is the use of strocit cr tablet? ## Strocit contains Citicoline, which is available in the U.S. and Canada over the...
What is the difference between the above 2 drugs, can any one please provide information on both. Thanksyou.. ## Adding ...
why is strocit tablet taken and its information. ## Strocit contains the active ingredient Citicoline, it is a psychosti...
neurology ## due to high BP and a small symptom of stroke patient is given 2 times strocit injection. how this will help...