Stilpane Effect On Pregnant Woman (Top voted first)


hello, if some is pregnante can she use stilpane?

4 Replies

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Hello bebe,

According to the NHS stilpane contains the active ingredients Paracetamol 320 mg Codeine Phosphate 8 mg Caffeine Anhydrous 32 mg Meprobamate 150 mg. The NHS states that while Paracetamol is typically safe to take while pregnant it is advised to talk with your GP. Consuming more than 200mg of caffeine while pregnant is not advised and is associated with lower birth weights as well as the possibility of leading to further health problems later on in the child's development. High doses of caffeine also increase the risk of miscarriage. There are no reported links between codeine and pregnancy issues. According to the NIH Meprobamate increases risk of congenital malformations during the first trimester and should be avoided during the first Trimester.

In summation it is relatively safe to take this medication in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, however, it is strongly advised that you should consult your GP before taking this medication as it cointains meprobamate and caffeine.

I hope this information helps.

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Im thato a 27 year old n hv discovered that m 11 weeks pregnant but my pregnant got some complications m bleeding and hvng some abdominal pain every day so I went to the gyne n he prescribed me stilpane tablets but now m scared to consume them can I get help..

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Hi I just wanted to know I excessively take stillpaine for 15 years up to 30 a day and I recently found out I'm pregnant I'm not sure how far but less than 3 months I have not stopped is my baby in risk of a birth defect

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Re: Rox (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi i jaust wanted to find out what ever happend to your child health during pregnancy.
Im pregnant and i would like to know ho it bwent as i seem to have the same promblem

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