Sprintec Bleeding When Should I Be Concerned (Top voted first)


I understand heavy bleeding is normal while my body is adjusting to the hormones, but at whst point should I be concerned, this my third day with extremely heavy bleeding 2 or 3 pad changes EVERY hour. My 6 th day total. I am on 5th day of inactive pills. This is my first time every takong an oral contraceptive.

2 Replies

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2 to 3 pad changes an hour is not normal, and you should consult your doctor. The FDA lists the normal side effects as possibly including irregular bleeding, dizziness, headache, vaginal dryness, mood changes, and weight changes. NDC code: 0555-9016

How long have you been taking it, now? Are on any other medications?

As to the pad changes, are they full when you change them?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you. I spoke to my GYN and she informed me that if my bleeding progressed to a pad an hour to come in. My body is adjusting to the hormones as this is my first time ever taking an oral contraceptive.

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