Spaced Out - Legs Don't Work - Off Balance
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I've been taking Synthroid 112 mcg for six months following a total thyroidectomy and I experience confusion, hard time concentrating, night sweats, problems walking (like a drunken sailor), general "spaced out" feeling, and awful depression. I think the dose is wrong, but doctor just looks at TSH numbers (last TSH was 2..53 and T4 was 1.6) and says everything is OK. It is not! I don't know what to do...

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Hello, Lorelei! How are you?

Have you considered getting a second opinion? That might be the best thing to do, given the problems you're experiencing.

The typical side effects of this medication, as listed by the FDA, may include nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and hair loss.

Does anyone else that takes this medication have any ideas, or suggestions that may help?

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Don't let any dr tell you what your body needs - figure it out yourself. I have had a thyroid condition since i was 8 years old (going on 42) and over the years many dr's have given their opinions about what to do, try this or that and come back in 6 months! Find a thyroid medication and try them out as well as the dosage. If you feel sick, well then stop and try something else. If you wait for the medical profession to catch up, you might never feel better. Good luck!

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