Somazina Tablet
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Why somazina tablet and for whom
6 Replies
I am suffering from cerebaral atrophy , Whether somazena tablets will cure the problem? What are the side effects?
why are somazina tablet prescribed and what are its function(s)?
If somazina and ganaton are stopped for 80 yrs old lady patient suffering frm multiple cerebral infracts ; now able to swallow food instead of tube feeding due to some finiancial inability what would be the effects started ?
My father has dementia. He is 84 yrs old and has been prescribed Somazina tablet (500 mg) twice daily for two months. What are the side effects? My farher can move around on his own, he is forgetful but can recognize people. His bladder contol is poor.
what are the side effects of the tablets somazina?
The Medicine Somazina should be used for which type of patient?
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