Solution Of Prevent Pregnancy After Unprotected Sex (Top voted first)


I'm married, 1 month and 6 days over but menses doesn't come.... i already use praga test in this 1 dark line and 1 light line shown... i want to avoid pregnancy.. what will be the solution of problem...

3 Replies

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I had sex with a girl and l release a small amount of sperm into her but on the third day she did a pregnancy test and she said is positive but l don't believe her but if it is true,do we have any drug to take to destroy it at the early stage,please reply me fast because we are not ready to have a baby now

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i am married i had sex with my wife she was pregnant last 6 days plz give me a pill there is terminate the unwanted pregnancy..

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prevent unwanted pregnancy after three days of unprotected sex. i had unprotected sex on mar'13. last month i had my period on 28th feb.I want to avoid unwanted pregnancy. please give the solution

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