Smell In Urine (Top voted first)


Seven weeks ago I had spine surgery, having to have fusions with metal screw, rods and a cage. I first had a urine leakage for about 3 weeks. Now I have a horrible smell in my urine, my bladder doesn't seem to be emptying completely. I did not have this problem prior to surgeon said I needed to see a urologist, which I have. he is wanting to admit me to hospital for examinations on my bladder and kidneys. I haven't been released from my surgeon yet and another stay?? What concerns me is the fact that I did not have this problem until I had back surgery.

2 Replies

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Hello, Rbyrd! How are you doing? Have things improved, any?

Such issues can occur due to surgery, there's no way to product who will or will not experience them.

Have you consulted the urologist, yet? That would be the best thing to do in order to get to the root of the problem.

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Thanks for asking Verwon. No it hasn 't gotten any better. I see my back surgeon today, hoping for a release. I then will go to hospital for testing . It has gotten much worse. I don 't hurt from it. It smells my urine has been in the bladder for months. My left buttock has been numb with no feeling since surgery too. I don 't if this is connected in any way or not.

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