Sinopril High Blood Pressure Medication
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I have used this medication since January 2015 for blood pressure. Can you tell me the side effects of this medication which may hurt my reproductive organ?

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I have been taking ziac for 18 yrs my blood pressure keeps creeping up my doctor prescribed sinopril do you think it is a good combo

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I tame 40mg a day of sinopril if I miss a day what symptoms will appear?

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Hello, Dare! How are you?

Lisinopril is classified by the FDA as an ACE inhibitor and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension.

The only known effect it may have on reproductive organs is that it may cause ED in some men that take it, but that is not permanent and usually resolves, upon switching to a different medication.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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