Side Effects Of Antidepressants
Updatedi am on prodap,tryptomer and restyl for the past 12 yrs. i hav got rashes on my legs and feet for the past 4 yrs. no medicine is of any help for the rashes. can it be due to antidepressants?wat shd i do?
2 Replies
Since you have been on them 7 yrs longer then you have actually been experiencing the rashes, it is unlikely that you are allergic to the meds. But something is going on in your system. I would recommend telling your doc about your symptoms and also recommend having some allergy test done. It could very well be environmental or changes to your body, (like pregnancies as an example) or possibly you have developed a food allergies. Best of luck to you finding the cause of your rash. They are no fun! On a side note. Make sure you are using organic products, like lotion and body wash. There are plenty out on the market now of days.
Best wishes!
i am on medication for BP&Antidepressant.Since last 2 years i hv been prescribed Levosulpride 75mg by physican.i feel better in taking all food.Whether prolonged use of Levosulpride 75 mg will hv any side effect on my future life.pls advice
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