Side Effect Of Regestrone And Cycloset
Updatedi n suffering from irregular period problem,i m taking regestrone and cycloset for this problem.. i got some some hair on my chin n this the the side effet of both..while when i was taking only regestron i didn't have any problem..when i took both together i got wait gain and hair problem..what should i do??and for regular period cycle what should i do???plz tell me
2 Replies
Hello, Rita! How are you?
Are you trying to diagnose and treat yourself, or did your doctor tell you to use these?
Your hormones are very delicately balanced, so it's just not a good idea to try to fix things yourself.
i am 25.. in 2011 doctor prescribed me to take rerestrone for period..i was taking this for period but when i got weight gain and hairs on face and sleeping problem in October 2013 i stopped taking it..but still i am suffering problem..only regestron was the only solution but it has lots of side effect..the main problem it that if once my period started it does not stop without medicine and once they stopped it does not start without i am taking some ayurvedic medicine and doing yoga but these are also not working..please give me some effective solution which does not have any side effect..i have been tired with this problem..this problem is stared from April 2003..
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