Side Effect Of Coveram 5 5 (Top voted first)


Hi I am 49 years old and started taking coveram 5/5 6 month ago. I have noticed that I started having irregular monthly period. My period was always on time all my life. Does this tablets can effect the period? Thank you

2 Replies

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Hi Marina,

Based on my research, Coveram contains the ingredients Perindopril + Amlodipine; which are used in the treatment of high blood pressure and hypertension.

I haven't seen irregular periods listed as a side effect. Everyone reacts to medication differently though, so there is a possibility that this medication could be having that effect on you. Has anything else changed in your lifestyle that may have disrupted your menstrual cycle? I know (from personal experience) that stress can cause irregular periods. Maybe your body chemistry is just changing with age. The menstrual cycle can sure be a mystery at times!

Have you spoken with your doctor yet?

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Hi , Thank you very much for your replay. I am 49 years old and probably start getting closer to menopause. I mentioned to my doctor about it but he did't pay any attention.
Will see. Thank you.

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