Shoulder Surgery
UpdatedMy wife is about to have some major shoulder surgery and I'm concerned because the surgeon is only talking about putting her on percocet and nothing else. I'm worried that this won't help her get "over the hump" pain-wise and don't want her to be in agony. Is percocet enough to get past the pain of shoulder surgery?
2 Replies
It will really depend on her and her pain levels. It does work great for some people for post surgical pain, but not all. If it doesn't help her, she should be sure to inform her doctor, so he can prescribe something else.
The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thank you for the help. The percocet didn't do a thing once the pain block wore off. Fortunately, I had already discussed with the doctor what to do if that were to happen. She went through a night of hell until I could get the doctor to write a follow-up script for morphine the next day, but it gave her just enough relief to power through the worst of it.
The moral of this story is to have the argument/discussion with your physician about what will be done to manage the pain if it's unbearable once the block wears off BEFORE you leave the hospital so you don't have your loved one in pain while you're having that discussion. Frankly, its ridiculous that she had to go through that night of agony, but the docs just won't do preemptive strikes on severe pain management these days. It's a disgrace.
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