Should I Quit Namenda And Donepezil If Am In Severe Dementia
UpdatedMy mother in law has had dementia for 15 years. It is getting so bad she doesn't know our names, can hold a conversation. Should she continue receiving Namenda and Donepezil? Also she constantly rubs her face, neck 7 chest. Starting at the top of her forhead with both hands and rubs all the way down to above the breasts. Then repeats as long a she is awake. Any help there
1 Reply
Hello, Perplexed! How are you?
Before making any change to her medications, please consult her doctor. Stopping them could cause her to go down hill at a very fast rate.
Donepezil is known by the FDA to cause some psychiatric effects, so that might be what's causing her repeated actions. She may also experience nausea, urinary incontinence, fatigue, sore throat and anemia.
Namenda may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, hypertension and constipation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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