Sharp Pains In My Kneecap
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I'm trying to get an idea of why my knee started hurting out the blue today I'm disabled i have degenerative disc diesease sciatica nerve damage in my neck also my left hand its crazy but its numb swollen but is very painful like its going to explode now out of nowhere my left knee cap is got shooting pains like stabing like 2 sharp pains a minute then a real bad one within 3to5minutes it started today at around 5:30pm and its 11:31pm now and its a lot worse now i learned i gotta live with pain everyday they can be helped with pain meds but they just help me get by day to day but this is just another problem to add to all my list of other medical problems so I'm useally queit can't spell but this pain is not giving up i have not complained about pain like this in along time so its that bad i took 2 oxycodone 30mg and some flexaril diazapam and now trying. cold pack so far its not easing up also feels like my left foot is tingling and starting to swell and that's not including that I'm sitting propped up in recliner anybody no what this problem might be and what to take or do to help also

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Hello Ken, my name is Charlene n checking in on some symptoms that I'm now having n seen your post. Don't know if you will get this since it's way late, but if you do, I've been through n still going through what you have. I have the same diseases n suffering from the same, taking the same meds also. I could tell my story, but I wrote on my life in a book, so tell you would be too long!!! Don't do xrays if u can avoid it, mri won't show either!!!! If state insured, fight it n get a bone scan done!!!! After 13 yrs of being missed diagnosed by Drs I finally had a bone scan done. I had to have emergency surgery cuz I was over 40 percent paralyzed on my right side from the waist down. Now because of the drs wanting money n not caring, I'm permanently damaged n now going through the same in my neck n knees. I'm not rich, live pay Check to pay check, single mom of two n it's so very hard, but now I'm fighting again n now smarter!!! I hope to hear from you soon!

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Hello, Ken! How are you feeling? Has it eased up, at all?

It sounds like you may have a pinched nerve, or some type of nerve damage starting. Of course, only your doctor is going to be able to give an actual diagnosis.

Is your foot actually swelling? Did you fall anytime recently? Have you suffered any new injuries?

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