Severe Evening/night Pain After 1 1/2 Months On Suboxone (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've been on Subutex since April 8th - lowered from 8 yrs on Methadone in a week - last 6 yrs I was on 300 mgs of Methadone a day - went 3 days with nothing then started Subutex. Pill wouldn't dissolve so I swallowed approximately the last 1/4 of the mushed up pill - did the same 45 mins later. When into precipitated withdrawal, blood pressure (when fire dept finally found it after 4 trys) was 60/70, blood ox was 72, went hypothermic, convulsions and vomiting set in - EMT came and said there was no point going to hospital because they couldn't do anything to help - he was a total prick and told me if I made better life choices this wouldn't happen again - fireman snatched him up by his neck and told him to leave and he would take me if I wanted to go - it was a horrible scene/experience!! So after about 9 days I was much better and have been since until the past approx 10 or so days. My legs and feet hurt so bad starting about 4 pm and by 10 pm I'm in tears. I thought it was just the methadone finally leaving my bones and I just had to make it through but over the past 3 nights its unbearable! I take Motrin, keep a healthy diet, watch sodium intake - I had to quit working out because of the pain getting so bad later in the day. I can't get the drs office to call me back and my live over can hour away and can't miss the good hours I have to work to drive over hoping the office is open. Also the pharmacy keeps giving me my pills in small increments and the count never adds up to what the script says it should and I'm religious with locking my meds in an antique safe from 1800s that only I have the combo to plus nobody comes here - I'm such a f***ing mess I've isolated myself because most of my friends are non addicts and they just wouldn't get it and I can't be around my addict friends now because I'm not strong enough yet and may never be! I had to get off the methadone because it was preventing vitamin D from absorbing which negated may calcium intake and my bones started breaking - they're healing quick now and I feel so much better mentality and felt amazing physically until this nighttime mess started. I don't know what to do, I'm scared. Any advise, has anyone else had this happen? Any knowledge or experience would really help!!
2 Replies
Hello, Susanashley! How are you? I'm very sorry that you're in pain.
Unfortunately, Suboxone doesn't alleviate pain for everyone that tries it, even though it does contain the opiate Buprenorphine.
The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there a chance you could go back to Methadone and up your vitamin D intake? Have you discussed that option with your doctor?
As to the pill count, have you considered switching pharmacies?
Does anyone else have any advice or ideas?
I think Verwon has a good suggestion. I'm a pain patient and when I tried suboxone by rx it was terrible. My pain ended up being horriffic. The first week on the subs were ok then the pain just took over. If u have pain I'd go back to the methadone.if possible and is there anyway to vet your vit D restored while still taking the methadone.
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