Sertraline - Citalopram (Top voted first)


Hello, I ran out of sertraline and my sister has citalopram. Will it be ok to take that for few days ?

2 Replies

Earliest Newest Votes

Hello, Linda! How are you?

What are the dosages?

Your doctor should be able to call some Sertraline in for you, until you can get in for an appointment.

These are SSRI antidepressants that may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.

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Thanks for your reply. Started Citalopram, 40mg day, and feel much better. Thought, "Ok this is mind over matter here, you can do this" after I ran out. Have taken 150 mg Sertraline for several years and abruptly stopping didn't work out well. Rough week & getting worse helped me decide to take what I could get closest to what I had been taking. Surprised, after asking half dozen lady friends, that everyone takes something other than Sertraline. Problem came from my taking extra over last three months (my companion diagnosed with throat cancer) Assumed my doctor would refill when I ran out but she said she couldn't yet. Have six month med-check appointment Saturday. Thankful I came across this site and looking forward to getting back to my routine. Thanks again, Linda

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