Scared' Taking Bactrim (Top voted first)


I took bactrim generic to treat a vaginal labia cyst in late Oct, marsupialization surgery. The heavy duty bactrim seemingly got rid of the infection in that spot. That said, I suffered, for five weeks from acid poo and skin irritation down there, colitis syptoms like eat and then toilet time diarhea for five weeks. Plus, I got a painful diaper rash, and two yeast infections. Also, every time I shaved, even with a premium new razor - I got cuts on my thighs that filled with small amounts of pus. I added a daily vitamin, calcium and a probiotic to my diet which stopped the acid ass and #2 diarrhea. Ugh! 40 days since the cyst, I got another bad infection. Deep in left butt cheek. Dr. Ordered up Bactrim again. I near immediately got a major headache which awoke me in the night - a horrendous nightmare, too! However, a visual look at my butt infection the gigantic pancake size redness is diminishing. Just feel terrible w bad nausea, too.

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It is a sulfa based antibiotic, so nothing that you experienced is really that unusual, although the other infections/pus pockets likely weren't caused by it.

Learn more Bactrim details here.

But it has been known to cause bad reactions in a lot of people that take it. I had a very bad experience with it myself and ended up developing an allergy to it at 9 and a half days in.

Have you tried asking your doctor for an alternative?

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Yes, I did get an alternative. One more thing, I had an allergic reaction. My feet looked they were bloody on the outside. Turns out, the blood was close to the skin's surface from the inside. I had to coax my doctor in to switching to another non sulfa-based antiobiotic, and no problems since.

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