Sangobion Side Effects
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is that sangobion is good for anxiety

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I am 42 years old and a mother of two kiddos. When the night comes i tend to feel a bit nervous and i constantly ask myself why I can't sleep at night. But when i spoke with my friend about my problem she told me to take Sangobion, so i rushed out to buy Sangobion and on that night i feel asleep easily...

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Hi. I am 48 years old and i am a thalassemia carrier. Can i take sangobion (old packing white box)? I always have a low blood count and i am under stress as well.

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i am 25 year old male my blood test report tell that i have anemia someone suggest me to take sangobion please tell me what should i do or this medicine is right one for me

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im a mom for a 2 and a half year old daughter, it says in the adds that sangobion is best for mommies like me, also, my red blood cells are low. after i gave birth to my daughter my physical apperance is not that good, i have a pale color and a pale lips. i regularly take my pills. is it ok for me to take sangobion?

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Is it ok to take sangobion eventhough i havent checked if I'm anemic or not? I'm under a lot of stress lately and everytime I have my monthly period I tend to get dizzy. My mom and my sister are taking this vits as prescribed by their gyne. Hope you can help me with this. Thinking of buying one... Thanks!

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Sangobion is a nutritional supplement, it contains:

Cyanocobalamin, Folic Acid, Manganese, Copper, Pyridoxone, Biotin, Nicotinamide, Riboflavin Thiamine and Ferrous Gluconate.

Thus, it is actually not proven to help with anything.

Has your doctor advised you to use it?


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