Roxicodone 5mg (Top voted first)
UpdatedPill with number 74 on one side and the letters teva on other is roxicodone 5mg tablet with other inactive ingredients in it.
3 Replies
Actually, TEVA 74 contains 10mgs of Zolpidem, the active ingredient in Ambien, which is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia.
Common side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, hallucinations and short-term memory loss.
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What led you to believe it was Oxycodone?
Roxicodone is exactly the same as oxycodone. Roxi is a brand name. None of these pills have Ambien ingredients in them!
What are the supposedly roxy 233? I was prescribed roxy 5 immediate relief for over 2 years, and the last year the pharms have gave me everything but.
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