Round Peach Pill With 311 On One Side And A Half Moon Other


small light pink pill 311and halfmoon like imprint on otherside

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Hello, Eli! How are you?

This tablet is manufactured by Actavis and they list it as containing 60mgs of Morphine in an extended release formulation.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Yes 60mg morphine and they are awesome

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I have a new generic morphine sulfate that is 60mgs. with no number. looks totally different than usual. want to make sure I am getting the right medication.

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I was taking 10mg methadone and now I take ms morphine it has 311 on one side and a half moon on the other they don't seem to work for me any suggestions

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How much Methadone a day were you taking?. And I can tell you if this dose will ever work for you. And what are you taking for breakthrough pain?

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Just 10 mg a day? 60mg of extended release morphine should do the job.10 MG of methadone is a very low dose but it has a half life. That means that the next day it hasn't left your system. I was on 60 mg a day of the Methadone and 8 mg of Dilaudid for breakthrough pain but I don't know all you have wrong with you so I cant tell you that is what you need.

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