Round, Green, Pill With K 8 With A Slash Between The Letter & Number And Plain On The Back
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Compared to the mallinkrodt 15 mg oxycodone there is a huge difference. This is for chronic pain issues and the new KVK-t do not help one bit. Can anyone let me know what is going on? Dec. 12, 2011
17 Replies
Re: Mike (# 2)
I definitely agree ,every time I ask for something for pain I'm looked at like a junkie.I wish I could take these pills for fun but I don't. I have CRPS and broke My ankle in two places recently.So the Doctors think that the medicine I was getting for pain before is enough.If I was their Mother or Father I bet I wouldn't be in pain.These Doctors take an Oath to do no Harm well denying anyone with chronic pain the medicine to give them some relief it a Crime.
Re: Mike (# 2)
Damn dude, the way your post carries on I can tell you abuse them bud. Quit b****ing, you’ve done allowed yourself to get hooked and now you're crying to the damn internet and whoever else reads this. Quit abusing them and you’ll be fine.
This actually works. And I was also calling the doctors all kinds of things thinking they were messing with me. But try it and it will surprise you. Thank God because I had one arm reattached and the bones ground down and 3 surgeries to the other shoulder and the Tylenol actually helps.
Finally! Someone adding in some info that will actually help! I know yall have to be thinking "i take opiate pain meds and if THEY aren't working by themselves then nothing will" right? Well i know from experience how well this can work! Ive had endometriosis, chronic kidney stones and many other ailments for years that have made my life a living hell & i was on so many drugs to find something that worked, to the point that i was practically a walking pharmacy! I was taking OC 20's for what seemed like forever and then they changed how they were made & i was left with this strange, slickery and gooey pill that took atleast an hour to start working and was only half as effective as its predecessor. I got desperate one day while passing a HUGE kidney stone at home, i took two at once... Still nothing! It made no difference to take the extra one. I was in hell! If id of had a pistol beside me i probably wouldnt be here to type this! After years and years of pain that was barely controlled at best, then this?! I couldnt bare the thought of living my life in so much pain that seemed like even the strongest opiates wouldnt touch anymore. I called my dr and he said to take a tylenol... I LOST IT lol i cussed him out from here to sunday and back. It was insulting. Here i am hurting so bad that im minutes away from saying screw it all and this ****er tells me to take a tylenol? After my rant he calmy said "just trust me, take 2 tylenol with each dose of your pain medicine... What have you got to lose right?" so i hung up with him and went to lay down. When it was time to take my next dose of pain meds i followed his instructions and i was cursing his name as i was popping the damn tylenol in my mouth. About an hour later i felt like a new woman!!! I thought maybe it was all in my head until i did it again and again each time i took my pain meds. It finally worked! Just to try it one day because my fiance was calling it bs. I didnt take the tylenol and i was back wishing i was dead! So the next day i hopped online to see if there was any actual science to prove how something so simple that was literally right there in my medicine cabinet the whole time could make such a difference. Turns out that tylenol actually works with opiates and opioids to help them metabolize better! Like it guides it to the receptors ensuring that all of it gets there safely! I guess the polymers that they put into immediate release pain meds now, inhibit some of the process the meds go through to achieve maximum efficiency. Anyways, this is so true and for those of you desperate for your meds to work again... The answer is literally so simple that its almost obnoxious lol!
I am going through the same thing. it's ridiculous. I keep jumping through hoops. I live in a big metropolis and the abuse is so high that I have to pre-order and I'm not even guaranteed to get my medication on time even if I pre-order because they tell me they can't reserve them. b******. complain to the insurance company. I complain to the the corporate Pharmacy numbers. It's terrible what I have to go through. I can relate to your troubles and I zip code the pharmacies at corporate offices and I've told them that these are ineffective medications. they tell me they'll pass it along to the higher-ups to thank you ...meanwhile I'm in great pain ...I understand what you're saying and where you're coming from and I couldn't have said it any better but I feel your pain really I do ..I hope things get better but I fear they will not. but I must say you did educate me on the situation and the FDA and what's going on. I actually thought it was me.
To be honest everyone...k8s only work really if they are iv fed. Unless you don't have a tolerance. They all suck (k's). You need percs. Roxys. Oxys. Or morphine. Plain and simple.
Whoops.. What is you disability(80%) an ingrown toenail? everyone is different. People build tolerances. Doctors know that. People with chronic back pain. MD. Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. Which my wife has all 3. I have chronic back pain. And she fighting for her life to get disability. And people easily get it when people are just lazy. I'm glad you're content. But realize everyone is different. Its the drug addicts that don't have any problems. That abuse them and cause all these problems with their fake MRIs.
Why not ask your doctor to have to put on oxycodone 30mg but reduce the times taken through the day that would certainly help in your situation?
Add some Tylenol to your dose and I'm willing to bet it works better! for a 15mg I would say maybe a 500mg Tylenol/acetaminophen. I have chronic back pain and after some different trials have found if I just add the Tylenol it works, however that being said Tylenol is super bad for the liver and I don't take the oxy daily.
ABSOLUTELY!!! I ran out a few days ago I felt exactly as you mentioned . and feel the same about , rather than class everybody in the abuse category: do what's necessary . all the regular pharmacies were out, stating that DEA is making it hard on everybody. HOLY crap I forgot about how much pain I live with, I have R/A and every joint was on fire, especially my legs. what a horrible night, Then I've come across people that say Oh yea my doctor gave me these but I don't take them . or others say you want to buy these I just get them BULL CRAP I never would buy anything like that that's when you have to be strong and defy these abusers. that's why we who have real issues go to these so called doctors who are supposed to help . HANG IN THERE ALL YOU CHRONIC PAIN SUPERHEROS.
Wooooow. 15 mg.. holy crap.... if that doesnt work, unfortunately... thats the reason they are discussing abuse... 15 mg is the bs total for my whole day... 80% disabled... stop... thats why he only wants to discuss abuse
I don't believe he is the junkie, he is exactly right what they are doing with the oxycodone's. If you are on any kind of pain pill you know what the effect is, then they put additives and whatever else in it so the junkies can't insufflate it, and it isn't the same strength as your body is use to and it does not relieve the pain as it did before. Also your body gets a tolerant to that dose and need a higher dose after a while. Obviously you are not a chronic pain sufferer, so if you don't know what you are talking about don't talk...
Wow... You, my friend, need some medical marijuana..... Tincture to be exact. Made with raw marijuana... SUPER pain relief... Been off vicadin, oxy and dilotid now for 3 years... Only Tinc for me
I agree 100%, I just got a whole bottle of the K 8s, and I can't even tell I've taken one! Its not like I abuse the meds, I just get pain relief. Normally. Not this time. I will be asking for another manufacturer next month you can be SURE OF IT.
Amen brother
I am a spinal cripple. I was given these K/8 Oxycodone 15mg pills a few months ago - they indeed do NOT work effectively. I can understand why. My Dr's and I have discussed the terrible matters of abuse of many of these type meds. The FDA recently approved and (ordered) all OXY type drugs go through this design change.
Though they are probably driving down some abuse on the street - I hope they aren't creating worse users who will do *ANYTHING* to get their kicks if they are junkies.
In doing this, they are rendering the immediate release drug (used by folks like me - for when I have breakthrough pain) ineffective. I've tried two different types now - and both of the manufacturers of these new "buffers" are killing the effectiveness.
We'll all go bk to our Dr's and ask for anything BUT these - they aren't working. AND when or if you who don't get it - just imagine having a eighteen wheeler parked on your legs - and you are begging the guy to please just crank up the truck and move - and you know it's still going to hurt like hell, you just want to get some kind of relief - but remember this guy has thrown the keys into the river nearby, removed the ignition, superglued the locks, and chocked the wheels, and has a full assault team of Delta force guys who aren't letting anyone move this truck - you have to face it - you are going to continue to hurt - there's nothing short of a miracle that'll help you get any kind of medical help, no pain relief, you're just stuck there - with only one thing going for you - you have a bottle of aspirin. YOU EAT ALL OF THEM, you need relief... Don't work. BUT you've sworn to your Creator you'll never - EVER - allow yourself to take your meds other than how they are written no matter if you die... God holds that ticket - and you've already learned earler in life - you don't break that vow - He has a way of getting really upset - and that can mean more accidents like the ones that got you where you are now... What do you do? Cut off the legs? But you have no knife - no - you are stuck living in that constant pain - there is no relief...
These FDA Changes make look good for politicians becaue yes, there will be less abuse - wanna know why? Because people like me are going to be on the phone with our Dr's tomorrow AM to explain how they ARE NOT HELPING AT ALL - and asking for anything else. Then there'll be more abuse of another type drug... People the fix to all of this is so obvious:
They shouldn't be causing people to be up in the middle of the night - suffering terribly. The FDA Approval for them to discontinue all Oxycodone tabs that could be crushed and apparently "sucked in the nose" "snorted" or whatever, is nothing less than Government trying to "regulate" more - and I'll tell you now, there's nothing but more "REGULATION" to come. Regulation unless as I am about to describe is wasting time - here's what you do if you wannaa stop drug abuse:
If you really wanted to stop abuse - that is, stop the people who abuse the meds, while letting the rest of us who legitimately need help - can't be fixed and already battle with whether we should keep up the fight or just give up & be "off the government's" pay-roll... Most of us who are crippled are disabled, so they are having to send a ck and with all the cuts, why not - just let us wriggle like a worm on the June hot hood of a black automobile. Will we eventually choose the pistol over the suffering? It seems they way they look down on all of us who need medication to live some semblance of a life - like lepers.
They should take their new powers under the Patriot Act with all its leeway to bust these A-holes and force them into rehab by passing similar laws as they have now for illegal "environmental" violations & hunting violations where they seize all your assets if you are a violator; take all they own, sell it, and force them into rehab! Then piss test them every week till their "Regulatory Officer" is 100% certain they've learned their lesson.
We'd save Medicare - stop junkies - end the drug war, and in doing so, stop treating those of us who actually wish we could go back to making a million bucks a year, to stop suffering where we at least have a chance!!
I'm hurting like hell - even though I've already had these new meds over 9 hours, have taken the two I was told to take over the past 8 hours, and am not getting the relief I customarily would have already had with the first one...
There's nothing at all the same about these new medications. The FDA change has rendered the drug ineffective. This sucks. It isn't fair to the cops who are overworked and underpaid, and it sure as hell isn't fair to the good doctors who've done all they can to fix guys like me - with all these BS regulations.
All this could be over in less than a year and everyone would be better off if they were to just STOP wasting tax dollars on jail for these people - and if they are legitimately in pain - and neuroscience can tell - and if not a lie detector, a voice stress analysis, or a combo of these could - where we put an end to all this abuse - of all involved..
This tablet does contain 15mgs of Oxycodone, but there can be slight variations in the amount of active ingredients in the generics, so you may not be getting the exact same dose that you are used to and it may not work as well for you.
The only suggestion I can really make is that you speak to your pharmacy about it and see if they can order the ones made by Mallinckrodt in for you.
Are there any other comments or questions?
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