Round Flat Orangepill With E 404 The Back Side Has Two Lines X Like For Quartering The Pill (Top voted first)


Its an orange-round-flat pill with the letter E, & numbers 404 on one side. The other side has an X or + like in order to quarter the pill and only take One 1/4 of the thing. ? what is it for. Thanks DM

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This tablet contains 30mgs of Mixed Amphetamine salts, the active ingredients in Adderall, used to treat ADHD and Narcolepsy.

Common side effects may include: nausea, insomnia, irritability and anorexia.

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I take a half of this pill. And I feel alert, foucesd, and can perform my task with out feeling drained. So maybe I mite of have adhd, if I don't get high off it. I like just feel like foucsed, I read and I understand it. I can muti-task without getting confused. I like to tell my doctor, but scard he mite say, I'm the doctor not you. But who knows my body?.. better than me!.

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