Round Blue Alprazolam Tablet
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i take xanax daily and have been for years . I have taken as few as 2 and as much as 4 rarely 5. . They only make me sleepy if i take more than 3 a day . i took one that looked diff than the ones I normally take. It was still blue and round but larger and scored so much so it looked like it would be easier to break in 1/2.. some of them are scored but they crumble if you try yo break them in 1/2. Theyhad markings on both sides but don't remember & I have been sleeping on and off for 24 hours. I may sleep 5-6 hours a night but VERY RARELY ANY MORE . I even drank a Red Bull one time and still went to sleep . i feel i could go to sleep now.

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Could be been a 1 mg klonopin.. They're blue and scored.. A little stronger and longer lasting benzo

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On top of that, it also carries the risk of being habit forming, in addition to the other side effects that the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability.

As to the serious withdrawal risks that Eddy has mentioned, that can include the risk of seizures, if you stop taking them abruptly, so I strongly advise caution.

It can also be dangerous to combine the redbull with this medication, so that is something you should avoid in the future.

Without the markings on the tablets, I am afraid that I can't tell you more about them, though.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Well go to sleep than but did you have a specific question? I'm pretty sure with that type of self medicating you are not speaking about using these under Doctors supervision. Xanax is not a sleep pill and carry some very serious potential withdrawal risks

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