Round Off White Or Light Peach With 230 203 On One Side And Either A Fancy R The Ribbon That I See On Pins For Cancer On Other Side
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was told they were 20 mg. percocet or oxycodone. That the 10mg. yellow Endocets was either discontinued or they are going to change the color to white but not available yet. This person was given 75- 20 mg. of this other pill, equivilent to the 10 mg. endos, he usually gets 150. but was given 75 of those 20 mgs.
3 Replies
A round yellow pill with no break line and the imprint of "230" and "a chineese V" on the back is a 10/325 mg percocet. It is the exact same as the yellow or white "football" shape 10/325 ones. However these are fairly new, and don't work as well as other kinds I have gotten.
Info gathered from- my own pill bottles and knowledge due to pain management and 4 years of percocet consumption daily for chronic pain.
round yellow pill with a V or an A on one side and the number 230 on the other side.
I'm sorry, but I'm somewhat confused by your post. I can't find any tablets with both 203 and 230 on it that are listed in any prescription drug database, including the listings for Oxycodone.
Can you please post back and clarify?
Like I said, I believe I am just misunderstanding your description of the imprint and would like to clear it up, so I know where to look. Thanks!
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