Rhodes Pharmaceutical Oxycodone Pills
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What if the RP oxy tabs that are all the same color with just different numbers may be left over from a placebo study? I got some from a big pharm company that said ordering them was paperwork hell. Now surprise they have 10 and 20mg tabs. Does that mean they don't have oxy in them and no paperwork hell to deal with? I wonder.
5 Replies
Legally, they can't be placebos if they are from a licensed pharmacy, with the correct imprint on them, but they may as well be. Things have changed drastically with generics. I would swear these have no medication in them whatsoever, & am far from alone with the new Rhodes generic Percocet. Patients have come up negative in physician drug tests, returned, taken in front of doctors & still negative. They WERE a company used to make generics by Purdue during litigation. They now import from India as do 43% per AHCA. People have also gotten very sick from them. Just Google them.
Re: Peter (# 3)
Then look it up online instead of just asking a question. The time it took you to ask a question you could look it up Pill id
My pharmacist just changed the pill that has been prescribed by my doctor. The new pill is a white round larger pill with R/P on one side and 20 on the other side and it's supposed to be oxycodone. I would like to know if this is real or fake?
The RP30 are the longest lasting and provide the best pain relief! What they don't do is make you feel high. If you like to abuse drugs, these are not the ones for you and you should find a rehab. But if you have REAL pain they last longer than all ALL the other pain meds. I don't know which category you are in so please don't take it the wrong way!
Bez says. I've been taking oxycodone acet...10-325s for six years never had a problem with quality .the first refill I get from Rhoads Pharm. They don't do anything . My wife took time off and was worthless. Can't believe company's would do such a thing .
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