Rhodes Pharm 30mg Oxycodone (Page 2)
UpdatedHi, After 12 years of taking the blue 30's the pharmacy gave me these big white tabs. My question is why are the blue more potent than the white from Rhodes Pharm. Is it the quality of the ingredients? The brand Roxi you cant find anymore why is that?
Rhod 15mg oxycodone just don't seem to work as well as the other brand I had. It's not my imagination.
I have been getting my script from walmart for 7 years. I love the staff and the pharmacist is the best guy ever!! I had no idea who made oxycodone 30mg ir and didnt care because the meds were working. Last month I got refilled with these huge white things. They said walmart switched to this company rhodes. I immediately felt sick taking these. Horrendous headaches everyday. The first 3 days I was in withdrawal, I knew I was in for a rough month. I complained to corporate walmart and switched to walgreens where they had actavis. So it wasn't all in my head. I suffered for a month with that garbage. I've asked walmart to please consider going back to amneal or actavis (teva). I got a good education on manufacturers and if you happen to get rhodes (big white pills) do not accept them. Once you walk away from that counter your doomed!! Give them back and start the process over with your doctor, or else your in for one hell of a month!!
Rhodes Pharmaceuticals makes the big Oxycodone 30 IR labeled RP/30...not only are they huge to swallow after getting Mallickrodts for the past 5 years but they're plain garbage people...I had headaches, constipation and I felt like I could sleep all day...the sticker on the bottle said "this is the same medication you have been taking...color, size, could look different", but I knew something was not right so i sat down at the computer only to be horrified about reading the same side effects everyone else experienced...on top of all this it's not alleviating any pain what so ever..Rhodes Pharma could hands down be the worse company to make drugs!
Be honest with yourself. Rhodes are selling millions and millions all over the world but there are just a few people speaking up. I believe you are used to the EUPHORIC effect of the blues and not the pain killing effect. You are in pain right? I have had 3-6 different types and they all work slightly different. The rhodes kill pain very well IMHO and last a long time. The 215a have much more euphoria and last a very short time. I'm not looking to feel high, I want to live as pain free as possible, so please check out what you are really looking for before you post misleading info! If you only swallow for true pain relief speaking for myself only the rhodes are fine... Only you know the REAL truth and no true drug addict will admit to the real deal. You all know who you are. And for the people who just don't get as good relief I'm sorry if I offended you but I have known a lot of drug addicts in my life and I do believe I am correct for the most part. There are always exceptions to the rules. Take care and BE SAFE!
Just got half of my usual script 2day of those an thought it was just me until i read all these complaints,so i thank each and everyone of u! Guess we dont count any more,its just ok now as long as there saving a couple bucks at best,2 give us a tab x da size of what we were taking knowing its all fillers an such! They are horrible an thought the headaches where from my neck,guess again and Rhodes should be ashamed of themselves 4 putting out such a horrible product!!! Listen 2 everyone in this one peps,they r useless unless like like 2 get sicker n have alot less pain relief!!!!!!!
Thank GOD someone else feels as suck as i do,headaches,stomach and such.Have been on them,small 1s for all kinds of issues n been disabled over 20 yrs after over 20 surguries and bk n neck probs.There was no need 4 Rhodes 2 makes these guge things with all the fillers in them.They think we are ALL STUPID i guessbut it ahouldnt even be legal,if ur like me,some of us actually need these things and i wldnt wish my life on anyone but thnx 4 speaking up!!!
I had the same thing. I find the rhodes don't take effect right away like the blues do. In all honesty the pain reduction for me is better with the rhodes if I am honest with myself. The blues are more euphoric with less pain reduction and visa versa. People say that the binders screw up the way the pills work. The less binders the quicker the meds take effect. Try taking it on an empty stomach. Besides that I think your stuck. Activas has been sold so no more 215 when the supply runs out. Get used to the new oxycodone 30 ir. Wish I had more info for you!
I am very sick, I am having severe mood swings. So sick I am shacking and have horrid stomach gas and now the runs and headaches and very tired. After 3 days and bad side pains. Never had this issue before now using Rhodes 156 mg oxcodone
Front what the common thought is, the binders and or gels etc in the generic kinda lock up the oxycodone and stop it from being available for the body!
I had the rhodes,,they worked but not as well as the activas . I thought differently and posted a bad opinion in the past. But this is what I've been told! As well as what I experienced last month!
Sorry you're going through that. 156 mg that sounds incorrect? is it 15 mg? I have found that kratom tea helps with detox from opiates, but I am far from a doctor and you need to research this for yourself. In some states it's illegal! Please be careful. Speak to your doctor!
Doc I think you're not totally correct.
Then why are the Rhodes 20mg Oxycondone SIGNIFICANTLY LARGER AND HEAVIER that an Activis 20mg Oxycondone. Because they have sickening FILLERS in them.
I think you need to see an Eye Doctor, as the proof is in the weight
I'm also a 10+ year chronic pain patient who recent was given that RHODES CRAP.
I wish I had a Lab that could tell me why the RHODES Oxy's are making me SICK
You're statement of "Do Not Mix Hormone Drugs with Pain Meds is FLAT OUT WRONG.
Long Term use of opioids can casue hypogonaism in Men. Untreated can cause HPA syndrome and inactivity which will lead to Endocrine issues.
I know I suffer with these issue.
But unlike you I have competent doctors that are treating both my pain and hormone issues. I'm being successfully treated and take both pain and hormone drugs and they work when prescribed and monitored by an Endocrinologist.
Stick to treating your wife and the Title 10 kids Doc...they can't sue you.
Re: Disgusted (# 2)
I'm getting severe headaches from nogood rhodes ??????
Re: Darwinski (# 8)
You do. Ask who the mfg. Is and just tell them you are allergic. I fid and every pharmacy in this town only has rhodes do i have yo travel to Walmart.....
Re: KF683 (# 24)
I am a cancer patient, have been on 30IR since the start. Went through several different pharmaceuticals before finding the one that actually relieved the pain to the extent I could function like to do my laundry. I certainly wasn't looking for a high. I have never been a drinker, never been drunk, was an athlete for years and took care of my body. I had no idea about pills until Sarcoma came into my life and I can tell you that no all generics are the same and Rhodes is crap. They don't even touch the pain I endure, so until you walk in shoes like mine with the grade of pain I live with, I don't feel you can address which company has the right combo that works. Everyone's system is different so is there a threshold for pain and for me its Mallinckrodt. I have been on them for some time and they have no side effects and work great.
Rhodes oxycode 30s should be illegal here in USA.They do nothing for the pain and my roomate just got those for first time and never seen her so bad.There 10 times the weight give y headachs and she said she was seeing cross eyed.I get precribed the sme ones but never got those and if I ever did I would just refuse them.Shes thinking about checking into the Hospital to see why these things arent working or why shes in so much more pain than useually.
Re: Darwinski (# 12)
Verwon is 100% correct. I dated a pain management doctor 15 years ago who told me the same thing. It’s common knowledge. Look it up.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Yes, how can we tell Rhodes pharmaceutical, that their ripping people off with their lousy 20mg oxycodone. They should be reported to FDA, that the stated dose is wrong,wrong.
Re: Darwinski (# 12)
You are absolutely correct. In order for other pharmaceutical companies to sell for example the 30 mg Oxycodones they need to stay a helluva lot closer to than +/-- 20 % thats being mentioned, and I mean a helluva lot closer, I'm talking within granules. Whatever pharmaceutical company holds the original patent for the 30 mg Oxycodones, when they submit their patent application, it also goes to 2 or 3 other Gov't overseers who along with the people who accept and file all registered patents not only for all USA companies and their legal residents but worldwide also. Now when that particular patent is submitted, it will also include the exact combination and precise measurement of everything that goes into the production of the pill. Because of all the years, money, and countless testing of the "finished product", little to no variation of the original product is clearly emphasized and enforced in order to be another pharmaceutical order who is given the proverbial "green light" to manufacture their own generic form. These guidelines are again strictly enforced by not only the patent people but also the DEA and Food and Drug Administration too. This all done with exact proficiency in order to protect the integrity of original product manufactured by the original maker of the drug itself. And that's it in a nutshell, as much as today's internet can be a necessity for all, it also can be considered a dangerous thing for others.
As a legitimate CPP (chronic pain patient) for last 20yrs, the quality & efficacy of Generic PERCOCET OXYCODONE/ACETAMINOPHIN in the last couple of years has declined & getting worse to-date, causing the worst noticable negative side effects ever as if I’m taking an over the counter sleep side or something!
At first I thought it was a tolerance issue...not. Then I thought I was losing my mind...but thanks to all of you & your experiences I ruled that out, too.
I finally was given MALLINKRODT Brand from CVS, which compared to all, gave a positive effect. However, they no longer carry it & each month I never know what ineffective brand I’ll receive. I can’t even special order the MALLINKRODT or even the name brand PERCOCET! Yes, we now all know it’s due to the pricing/profit margin’s for pharmacies so they carry the cheapest they can get.
Where or how can I get the MALLINKRODT BRAND? I live in N.East FL, St John’s County.
Blessings to all; hang in there fellow CPP’s; pray other’s who throw rock’s of stigma & judge us are NEVER forced to live a day in our shoes due to undeserved, unavoidable, unexpected, unwanted circumstances beyond our control! #CPP #ChronicPainWarriors
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