Revital (Top voted first)


is revital capsule is useful for ldy with age 40, she is having problm of menustration.

2 Replies

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Revital is a multivitamin/mineral supplement, not a medication. That means that while it has been claimed to help with many conditions, it is not actually proven to do so.

The only thing it is known to actually help with is a deficiency in the nutrients it contains.

This one, specifically, contains:

Calcium 75.0 mg
Phosphorus 58.0 mg
Vitamin C 50.0 mg
Ferrous Fumarate 30.0 mg
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 10.0 mg
Nicotinamide 10.0 mg
Calcium D-Pantothenate 5.0 mg
Vitamin E Acetate 5.0 mg
Magnesium (as Magnesium Sulphate) 3.0 mg
Potassium (as Potassium Sulphate) 2.0 mg
Vitamin B2 1.5 mg
Vitamin B1 1.0 mg
Vitamin B6 1.0 mg
Manganese (as Manganese Sulphate) 0.5 mg
Copper (as Copper Sulphate) 0.5 mg
Folic Acid 0.15 mg
Iodine (as Potassium lodate) 0.1 mg
Vitamin A Palmitate 2500 IU
Vitamin D3 200 IU
Vitamin B12 1.0 mcg

That said, has she seen a doctor for this problem? There are many things that could cause such issues and she should see a doctor for a proper diagnose and solution to the problem.

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At the age of 45+ I need to have continued sex so please recommend some medicines for regular usage maybe herbal or ayurvedic also.

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