Removing Vitamin E Before Surgery
UpdatedI am having a total joint replacement surgery on Monday 1/12th and ate a bunch of One A Day women's VitCraves Gummies containing Vitamin E to the extent of taking 735IUs and I am not supposed to take any Vitamin E prior to surgery. I am embarrassed that I did such a stupid thing and am wondering if there is a way to remove the E from my system. I know I should cancel the surgery but am wondering if there are any other options.
1 Reply
Hello, Diane! How are you? I'm sorry about what happened.
No, you will need to inform the surgeon and change your surgery date. Not only could there be a problem due to the Vitamin E, but taking so much of the other nutrients in them may also cause a problem.
These are also listed as being very high in B12 and taking too much of that could be dangerous, so you need to inform your doctor and have yourself checked out.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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