Regestrone Tablet Missed Dose
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My doctor prescribed Registrone 5mg to me. I have been taking it for the past 6 days. I missed a dose yesterday. Would could happen I hope my periods wont start from today. I cant eat it now as im fasting. I'll have to take it after i break my fast in the evening.

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I satred regestrone today.. if I miss to take tomr. Wil get my periods that day only. Please ans for this

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What should I do when I have missed taking my Regestrone CR 10mg tablet for one night? Can I have it in the morning?

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I have been prescribed regesterone 5mg twice a day and I missed one dose today. Can I have both doses together now or should I just have one and continue normally tomorrow?

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Yes, missing a tablet may cause your period to start. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and PMS-like symptoms.

Did your period start?

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