Regestrone 5mg Tablet


Always my periods are irregular but if i take regestrone for 3 days i get my periods. I have pcos and now i am married its been 2 and months since i got my periods i had pregnancy test which was negative can i still take regestrone... already consulting doctor i am taking ovacare fopymin daily and caberlin 0.5 once in a week

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My gyn gave me Regestrone 5mg Tablet for 3 days to take morning & evening. I finished 3 days taking tablets already but till now no periods.. Within how many days after stopping regestrone do you have your period???...

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I was intimate with my partner (we used protection) on 21st march and my periods due date was 26th march but I missed my periods. Generally my periods are late by a month. We were intimate again on 6th april but I had taken i-pill immediately within an hour. I had taken 7 tablets of registrone 5 mg starting from 15th april night and ending on 17th april night after confirming pregnancy test twice within a time gap of 48 hours which showed a negative result. I am worried when I'll get my next menstrual cycle? Please help me out

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I have to go for a tour on 6 of October so may I take registerone 5 mg on 15 of September so that the periods can come on 25th of September so that I am out of risk of getting periods during my tour

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My doctor prescribed Sandoz 5mg,i have been talking two days but till not yet getting periods

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Re: Pavithra Jagan (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

How long it has been ? Wait till 5 to 6 days hope you get your period and if not then visit your OB.

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