Redotex Side Effects (Top voted first)


Is that true that using redotex affect your thyroid?

11 Replies

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Verwon: redotex does NOT contain phentermine. Please do not respond to questions unless you know what you are talking about.

According to the FDA, the ingredients are as follows:

o Tri iodothyronine (Triyodotironina) 75 mcg. A hormone used to increase the metabolic rate of tissues.
o Norpseudoephedrine (Clorhidrato de D Norseudoefedrina) 50 mg. An amphetamine like drug.
o Atropine sulfate (Sulfato de Atropina) 0.36 mg. Used as a respiratory and circulatory stimulant.
o Aloin (Aloina) 16.2 mg. Laxative.
o Diazepam (Diacepam) 8 mg. A depressant (Valium).

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I love redotex and have been taking them since 2006. One thing I will say is they will affect your thyroid results if your dr draws blood but will not affect your thyroid results if you're not on the pill. In sum, best diet pill I've ever taken.

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Hello, Can i take Redotex while taking Thyroid medication?

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Wow i cant believe u have been on redotex that long... I meen i hope not constantly...redotex is very strong nd is a be taken only temporary...i beleive it is no more than 3 months is what the drs in mx will reccomend... Alot of people will take it longer being that in mx it is easy to obtain but i have known of deaths because of over use.. It does affect your bp and it is the same as doing meth (drug) i have used it and lost ALOT of wait...i looived it..but as soon as i came off it i gsinef double the weight back....

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If you are taking redotex and have a blood test for cholesterol levels and thyroid levels, will this medication cause either of these tests to read either higher or lower than normal?

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Where are you buying the Redetox from. Having a hard time getting some in the US.

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How long should you be off the redotex before having the blood test so it does not throw off the thyroid testing?

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Where can I get a bottle? I really need to lose weight.

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Re: Bella (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I have seen these and other options at my local pharmacies in Tijuana and Rosarito.

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Re: umduh (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Are any of these ingredients illegal in the United States or will you test positive for drugs with any of these ingredients, especially if you're a truck driver?

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Redotex contains the active ingredient Phentermine, an appetite suppressant used to aid in weight loss.

I see nothing listed about any effect on the thyroid.

It can cause: nausea, insomnia, irritability and elevated blood pressure.

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