Redotex Isn't Working
UpdatedDoes redotex really work? I've been on them for 2 days and feel nothing. No changes at all except I feel really tired. I couldn't get fentermina acxion from the Mexican dr or pharmacy because they said they were out of stock. Maybe I need 2 redotex in the morning instead of one. I need to know what to do. I can't afford anything else right now, but I'm desperate.
3 Replies
what do I do if I don't see results taking 1 redotex in the morning? does anyone take 2 instead.
Hello, Liza! How are you? Hasher been any change?
According to the FDA, you shouldn't be taking this medication, at all. They issued a warning about it last year.
You can read it here: FDA Import Alert 66-35 click here.
It contains a potentially dangerous combination of substances and some of them also carry the risk of being habit forming.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Re: liza (# 1)
Be careful, there are pharmacies selling fake Redotex! I haven't seen Axion faked yet, but since Redotex is popular and worth double the price of Axion it is worth faking! I have been dealing with the same pharmacy for over 15 years and they have always made sure that their stock is 100% legit. Very hard to tell real from fake, but the box isn't constructed correctly, the hologram isn't on the sticker and the pink is dull instead of bright.
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