Reconstruction Of Uterus Wall With Primolut N
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will it cause difficulties on an old c section incision ...? I have noticed after the intake of 30 tablets, 3 times a day over a 10 day period, that the pain is directly on the old C-section whilst bleeding ... Is this normal, or is it giving the old C-section upcoming troubles due to the reconstruction of the uterus wall ...?

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Well, it was to thicken the uterus wall, and to also get the monthly up to date ... But the pain was on the incision itself ... You see, the doctor who prescribed this meds said I had a blighted ovum, not that I saw an empty sac on the sonar ... Now when this pain started, it was directly on the incision, it did however loosen that which was attached to my uterus wall, for it came the same night I posted this topic ... But what I am concenred about is the fact that the incision experienced the pain instead ... I haven't been to the doctor since this post, wasn't feeling so hot, taken all that has happened in the past few days ... But what can cause a uterus to thin out ...? I had three children, all by c-section ... I know a person can have upto 5 and some even 7 c-sections ... Could it be maybe stress related or ...? And thank you for your assistance ...

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You're not really reconstructing the uterine wall, per se, it's just helping to rebuild the endometrial lining and stabilize it. It appears that for some reason yours became too thin, which can create problems with your monthly cycle and fertility issues.

What kind of pain is it? If it just normal menstrual cramping, or is it different?

Have you consulted your doctor about it?

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