Reason For So Many Different Types Of Codone Medications
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after reading about so many types of codone medications, I was wondering why is there so many different kinds. Aren't most of them suppose to treat pain control. While reading the articles on a lot of them they all say the same thing. Why can't a patent be for a lifetime instead letting them expire and letting every pharmacustical company produce their own version and confusing everybody about which one is best. I could only come up with one answer for this question. MONEY RULES and a persons life really doesn't matter. I feel like the original makers should have the opportunity to either improve or discontinue making any and all pain Meds that they produce, giving the next maker a chance to produce it's version. For example: There should be just one form of Hydrocodone, Oxycodone etc. Whomever produces it first just has the right to corner the market for as long as it works without harming peoples lives. How does anyone else feel about this. Because I feel like all these different kinds of (meaning different makers) only adds to confusion, plus whos to say that some of these companies are only out for profit off of some other companies research and hard work to produce a pain medication.
3 Replies
The reason why there are so many different medication options, in any given drug class is actually due to the fact that everyone is different, which means that not every medication works for everyone that tries it. Any particular drug might turn out to have no effect on one person, though it works great for another, it may cause a bad reaction in one person that it doesn't in another, someone might be allergic to it and able to tolerate a different option in the same class, and etc.
There are actually far more problems helping people, when the number of drug choices available is more limited.
Humans also build up a tolerance, and resistance to substances that they ingest for long periods of time, making them less effective, so they may have to switch to a different medication.
You can learn more in various articles provided by the FDA.
Is there anything I can help with?
I only know of two '-CODONES' in common clinical use, one of which, Hydrocodone bitartrate, is now confined to the USA as it is no longer permitted for human consumption in any other country. The other is oxycodone hydrochloride, a much stronger medicine, which is available in all continents except Asia where no country permits its use. The modified release form of oxycodone HCl OXYCONTIN was banned from sale in the USA several years ago and it's replacement, OxyNeo, marked 'OP' instead of 'OC' is in a formulation which makes it extremely difficult for the body to take up properly, resulting in most patients in a need for at least twice the dosage of the 'OC' tablets sold everywhere else. I recommend that any US resident requiring that form of oxycodone buy it from outside the USA - the patents are held by Bard pharmaceuticals who make all brand-name OxyContin which is distributed by Napp (UK) and Mundipharma (rest of world). The alternative is to take your daily dose in preferably Oxynorm capsules, or tablets, whose bioavailability is far less than the capsules due to the binders used in tabletting. A 30mg TABLET therefore provides around the same analgesia as a brand-name 20mg OxyNorm capsule.
Hydrocodone was never used as an analgesic anywhere except the USA. It was sold elsewhere as an antitussive, the best on the market, until the last brand, DICODID was withdrawn around seven years ago. There is some discussion about the addition of acetaminophen in the US analgesics; synergistically there is a slight increase in potency but no more than 70mg acetaminophen per 15mg Hydrocodone is required. Better and far safer to use it pure, as in the SR brand ZOHYDRO. Acetaminophen has very little analgesic power at all and there is absolutely no need for the crazy amounts included in some combination pills, which are very hazardous to the liver. Back to ZOHYDRO - Hydrocodone is around 3.5 x strength of dihydrocodeine tartrate, its parent drug, and six times the strength of codeine, therefore around one seventh to one eighth of the strength of morphine sulphate - in other words, quite a MILD opioid, although extremely highly priced in relation to its strength. Like its parent dihydrocodeine (Hydrocodone is also known as dihydrocodeineone, indicating it is the derivative ketone) it is extremely constipating, although not as much as codeine salts.
Unfortunately, I thought and hard about what I wanted to say and I could not be more specificate about the topic. To myself the qurstion is simple. I maybe came up with my own answer, which could be the different levels of pain call for the many different types of Codone medications. Still, I am left confused about the amounts of different types. Again, I believe that MONEY plays a big part.
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