Real Or Fake Xanax Bar?


Hi, I have a white rectangle pill 2090 w/ 3 score lines on one side & a cursive V on the other w/ no score lines... I know it's a xanax but is it real or fake?? The side with the cursive V is what is making me question it, being that there are no score marks on that side. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

4 Replies

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Hello, LcLove! How are you?

This tablet is manufactured by Qualitest Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 2mgs of Alprazolam. It isn't supposed to have score lines on both sides, just on the side with he numbers.

The FDA classifies this medication as a benzodiazepine, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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is it suppose to have a bitter taste and if so to what extent?

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Yes they are real. Did you get them from a website? If so which 1?

Was this helpful? 3

Yeah which website?!?! Or from your doctor?

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